Under the hood

Synergy is a financial Open Source toolkit for cooperatives based on a distributed ledger. It was developed by Sociality Coop and was funded by the NGI Ledger program. Synergy provides loyalty and micro-credit services to cooperatives using blockchain technology. This way we want to help the community overcome challenges such as lack of liquidity and investment capacity.

The system was co-designed by the CoOp community in Athens through meetings and workshops and operates using the Quorum open-source blockchain platform. Moreover, the system has its own Digital Wallet and implements privacy-by-design elements to ensure data privacy for the user. Our goal is to make the toolkit easily replicable and modular so communities can recreate it in different cities and govern it in a community-based approach.


Our Network & Backers

Our network actively participates in the design of financial services, which are tailor-made for the community needs. We receive support and funding regarding business and technological development in order to offer a
Transparent, Free, Easy to Use, Marketable, Privacy Focused, Community Driven Toolkit.

This application is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825268”.

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